The Blessings of Freedom

“Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.” (Ps 118:5 ESV)

I was born and raised in one of the most blessed nations in the world. While the U.S. has its share of problems – just turn on the news and you’ll be bombarded by them – I’m so thankful to live here. I’ve listed just a few reasons why this country means so much to me.

  1. Freedom to worship. Here in the U.S., we have the freedom to worship openly, no matter our belief. While we may not always agree with each other, we also have the freedom to disagree. We don’t have to sneak around under the cover of night to meet. We won’t be thrown in jail, tortured, or killed for our faith. We can talk openly of our relationship with Jesus. We often censor ourselves when we talk to others about our faith, fearing rejection. This is a fear I’ve carried around myself, and it’s a legitimate fear. But this is a limit we’ve placed on ourselves and is not from our government.
  2. Freedom to receive an education. While things such as wage equality remain a real issue for women, we do have opportunities for education and advancement that women in some countries don’t have. We even have opportunities that women before us in this country didn’t have. We can go to school and receive multiple degrees with a variety of career options when we finish. I’m part of the first generation of women in my family (on either side) to finish college. My cousins and I have numerous degrees among us. This has created opportunities for the next generation as well.
  3. Freedom to be the person God wants me to be. At this point in my life, the only limits I have are the ones I place on myself. When I felt God leading me to change careers at age 38, I had the freedom to do so. Women in some countries aren’t allowed to drive or vote, much less choose their own career path. I’m single and have no children, and I haven’t always been comfortable with that status. But I’m embracing the life I have now and using my time to focus on growing closer to Jesus and learning to please him rather than people.

Dear Jesus, thank you for the blessing of living in the United States. We often take our freedoms for granted and hunger for more. Thank you that we are allowed to freely worship you without fear of reprisal. Amen.