The Anchor of Our Souls

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (Heb. 6:19)

My parents and I visited my brother and his wife in western Michigan this June, and on our first full day there, we took a day trip to Grand Haven, where we visited Lake Michigan and the Grand Haven South Pierhead Outer and Inner Lighthouses. Last summer, I wrote a blog post about my fascination with lighthouses and all they represent for me as a Christian, and these lighthouses were no exception.

Painted bright red, they are located on the south pier where the Grand River enters Lake Michigan. The inner lighthouse is tall and cylindrical and what we picture when we think of a lighthouse. The outer lighthouse looks like a little square barn and sits right at the end of the pier. Originally, the outer lighthouse contained a foghorn to warn sailors they were approaching land when the fog was so heavy the light could not be seen. Continue reading “The Anchor of Our Souls”

Charlie Bones and the Dreaded Dizzy Spells

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. (Ps. 62:5)

It’s been a while since I provided you with an update about Charlie Bones and the effects of his head injury. Every few weeks since his concussion in March (which you can read about here), Charlie has a dizzy spell where he becomes wobbly and has trouble walking.

This week, he had a bad spell that started at ten in the morning and got progressively worse throughout the day. The vet has instructed me to give him a steroid pill when these spells start—the steroid will reduce the inflammation in his neck that’s causing his dizziness—but this time, the pill didn’t work because his neck had locked up. After a trip to the vet for an adjustment, he was finally able to keep his legs under him and move around without as much pain.

Each time this happens, I worry about my young puppy being in so much pain, just as I’m sure any parent of either furry children or human ones would feel. I want to make him better, but unfortunately, it’s out of my control. Continue reading “Charlie Bones and the Dreaded Dizzy Spells”