Charlie Bones and the Dreaded Dizzy Spells

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. (Ps. 62:5)

It’s been a while since I provided you with an update about Charlie Bones and the effects of his head injury. Every few weeks since his concussion in March (which you can read about here), Charlie has a dizzy spell where he becomes wobbly and has trouble walking.

This week, he had a bad spell that started at ten in the morning and got progressively worse throughout the day. The vet has instructed me to give him a steroid pill when these spells start—the steroid will reduce the inflammation in his neck that’s causing his dizziness—but this time, the pill didn’t work because his neck had locked up. After a trip to the vet for an adjustment, he was finally able to keep his legs under him and move around without as much pain.

Each time this happens, I worry about my young puppy being in so much pain, just as I’m sure any parent of either furry children or human ones would feel. I want to make him better, but unfortunately, it’s out of my control. Continue reading “Charlie Bones and the Dreaded Dizzy Spells”

Details Matter

So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it . . . (Genesis 6:14–15)

As a writer and editor, I know that details matter. If a comma is out of place or missing, it can change the meaning of a sentence. When writing a scene for my cozy mystery, it’s important to include details so that the reader can “see” what’s happening in the story.

It can be tempting to think the details of our lives don’t matter to God—that he’s too busy running the universe and helping people with bigger problems than our own. Continue reading “Details Matter”

Jumping on the Air Fryer Bandwagon

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

A couple of weeks ago, I bought an air fryer. I know what you’re thinking—what took you so long? Right? Air fryers have been around for a while now, and their popularity has only increased, not waned.

I’m slow to jump on any bandwagon. For example, when I was ten, the New Kids on the Block burst onto the scene, but I couldn’t be convinced they would stick around. I’m not sure where this skepticism came from, but I do know that I was one of the only pre-teen girls of my generation who didn’t have a poster of the boy band on my bedroom wall. I did eventually listen to their music—and I even liked it!—but I never bought into all the hype.

When it came to buying an air fryer, my arguments against one were practical in nature. I have a tiny kitchen with little counter space and few plugins. Where would I put it? Where would I store it? I don’t fry much—maybe once or twice a year. What would I cook with it that I couldn’t fix in my oven? Continue reading “Jumping on the Air Fryer Bandwagon”

Taking Our Medicine

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28)

My little Yorkie companion, Lilly, is getting older. She turned twelve last October, and she’s had arthritis for a while and stomach issues even longer. (The stomach issues aren’t age related. She just has a weak stomach.) Recently, she’s been dealing with a recurring skin infection, so the vet prescribed a pill and also a medicated shampoo.

I coated the pills in peanut butter the same way I do with her arthritis and stomach medicines. Almost immediately, she noticed that something was different. She sniffed the peanut butter suspiciously, and after she ate the peanut butter and spit out the pill several times, I switched to wrapping it in cheese. And now, not only am I having difficulty getting her to take the new medication, but she also doesn’t want to take the old ones that have never bothered her before. She licks the peanut butter delicately each time as if to test what kind of craziness might be lurking inside. Continue reading “Taking Our Medicine”

What the Light Revealed

“You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light.” (2 Sam. 22:29)

At this time last year, we were still in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdown. Originally scheduled for three weeks and then extended to six, we believed we would get the virus under control and be back to our normal lives by Easter 2020.

Well, we all know how that turned out. Continue reading “What the Light Revealed”