41 Days to 41

“But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live…” (1 Sa 20:14)

After my fortieth birthday last year, I learned about something called 40 days to 40 in which you pick a theme and do one thing each day to fit that theme for the forty days leading up to your birthday. Since I missed out on doing it last year, I decided to do it this year, even though it’s not a milestone year. Every birthday is one to be celebrated, and each day is one for which to be thankful. This year, I’m doing 41 acts of kindness to 41. I’ll complete forty-one acts of kindness – at least one per day. I started the challenge on July 3.

I try to be aware of those around me and to encourage and comfort those who are struggling. But one of the challenges of this task for me is that I live alone and I work alone. While I meet people in the store or on my walks, the vast majority of my time is spent by myself. In order to complete this challenge, I have to seek out people, something that’s far outside my comfort zone.

I believe the Lord has given me this challenge for a reason. Because I’m introverted and spend so much time by myself, I naturally turn inward so that all my thoughts and attention are on me – on my work and my problems. I settle quite nicely into my comfort zone, reluctant to leave or invite anyone else in. This challenge forces me to look at others and to see what they’re going through.

Some of the tasks I intend to complete will be easy because I already do them anyway – things like sending an encouraging text message, mailing a physical card, holding the door open for people, setting up a dinner with my friends, and praying for others. Other tasks will be more difficult. These include things where I have to interact with people I don’t know – for instance, visiting residents at a nursing home or offering to read to kids at the library’s summer reading program.

When my forty-one days are complete, I’ll post about the tasks I completed each day. This will hold me accountable. I don’t want to have to report that I didn’t follow through. I also know I can’t hold myself too strictly to this standard. If something comes up and I can’t complete a task, then I’ll double up the following day.

I can already feel God using this challenge to help me grow and become more aware of my actions and impact on others. I can’t wait to see the results. I’ll keep you posted!

Dear Jesus, help me as I strive to complete at least one act of kindness a day until my birthday. I pray that the lessons will become so ingrained that I will continue to seek out ways to help others after my birthday challenge is over. Reveal to me the people who need encouragement and the best way to reach them. Amen.