Goals: Progress at Mid-Year

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jr 29:11)

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about my word for the year (BOLD) and how my goals fall in line with the word that God has placed on my heart. With the year almost half over, it seemed like a good time to evaluate my progress on meeting these goals and to analyze how God is moving boldly in my life.

I divide my goals into seven categories and create broad goals for the year and smaller goals for each month to the larger goal by the end of the year. Some of my spiritual goals for the year included reading one spiritual growth book a month and creating daily affirmations.

While I’m way ahead of myself on meeting my reading goal, I have not been as consistent about my daily affirmations. Daily affirmations are simple statements, in this case spiritual, that reflect the truth of who I am in Christ. I struggled to come up with my own affirmative statements, perhaps because I was struggling to see myself as God sees me. Initially, I used examples my pastor had shared to create my daily affirmations. But as the year has marched on, I’ve begun to add new, original daily affirmations to my list – affirmations that apply specifically to me and my life. For example, a recent affirmation I wrote is, “I will use the words that I speak and the words that I write to build others up and point them to Jesus.” This affirmation is a reminder of the power our words contain and also a reminder of the power of Christ in me.

While having goals is admirable, I realize that I shouldn’t be so stuck on meeting the goal I’ve set that I miss what God has planned for me. If this means changing course, then I pray God will show me and help me to be flexible. Mid-year is a good time to see if my goals still apply, or if changes have occurred in my life that mean I need to revise or even remove a goal. I will take some time over the next few weeks to pray and determine if I need to change any of my goals to move in line with God’s plan for my life. With God’s help, I’ll meet the goals that will glorify him.

Dear Jesus, you know I’m a planner who likes to measure progress by the goals that I set. Help me not to be so focused on the goal that I miss your presence moving in my life. Help me to adjust where needed and to give you the glory for every goal met. Amen.