Birthday Reflections

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15–16)

I’m introspective by nature, and I like to take some time around my birthday to reflect on my life. This sort of self-reflection must have something to do with getting older. I’m quite sure I wasn’t so contemplative in my twenties.

A friend of mine recently posted about how he uses his birthday as a springboard to reflect and realign his life goals. I loved that idea, and then I realized I’ve been implementing it for a while. No wonder I liked it!

I recently examined my progress for the year through the lens of my word for the year, renew. I also took some time to measure my progress on my writing goals.

A few years ago when I turned forty-one, I challenged myself to complete forty-one acts of kindness leading up to my birthday. The challenge opened my eyes to small things I could do to lift someone’s spirits. The purpose of the challenge was to encourage others while pointing them to Jesus. A text, a smile—these take nothing but a small bit of time, but they can do wonders for the recipient. I know, because I’ve been on the receiving end of these kindnesses.

After completing the challenge, I thought that looking for ways to express kindness would be so integrated into my life that I would do it without even thinking about it. And I did for a while. But the pandemic has thrown me off a bit. I’m still kind to those I encounter, and I always have a smile behind my mask. (A smile starts in the eyes, right?) But since I don’t get out as much, those I see in person are few and far between. Instead of being intentional about performing kindnesses, I find myself waiting for those moments to present themselves. The longer the pandemic drags on, the less inclined I am to reach out, even to close friends.

The problem with not being intentional is that opportunities for kindness don’t just happen. The way to develop any good habit or discipline is to practice it consistently, and to do that, it has to be a priority. My upcoming birthday reflections have reminded me that I must look for ways to be kind and even create my own opportunities.

I have resolved to break out my list from two years ago and once again implement the items on the list. Some of the in-person items will be more difficult to achieve, at least for a while, but that just means I need to be more creative. Our world is so divided, and people can be downright mean. I want to be part of the solution, not the problem. After all, the world could use a little more kindness.

Dear Jesus, help me to find ways to show kindness to others even when circumstances prevent me from doing so in person. Show me ways to reach out to those around me in a way that allows them to see you in me. Amen.