41 Acts of Kindness in 41 Days: My Birthday Challenge

“But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live…” (1 Sam 20:14)

In a previous blog post, I wrote about how I will turn 41 this month. I’ve challenged myself to complete forty-one acts of kindness in the forty-one days leading up to my birthday. My goal was to find as many things to do that didn’t cost money (or a minimal amount) as I could. Instead, I focused on things that took time or an effort to make a connection with someone.

Through this journey, I’ve learned to be more intentional about being kind to others. This journey has also opened my eyes to the opportunities for kindness that are around me every day. If I pay attention, I will see them.

As much as other people seemed to be blessed by my acts of kindness, I felt blessed to be able to provide them. All around us are hurting people, and small acts of kindness can help ease their burdens as well as my own.

Below is a list of some of the items I completed.

  1. Delivered meals to homebound senior citizens.
  2. Took someone to the doctor.
  3. Sent a thank you email.
  4. Smiled at strangers.
  5. Made lunch for a friend.
  6. Picked up items, including boards, strewn throughout a neighborhood street to make travel through the area safer.
  7. Encouraged a fellow writer.
  8. Volunteered to clean up after meals at a senior center.
  9. Wrote an encouraging note to a student.
  10. Loaned books.
  11. Sent someone a smiley face.
  12. Held the door for a veteran.
  13. Took time to listen to people who were going through a difficult time.
  14. Cleaned up a mess made by someone else.
  15. Did a favor for someone without expecting anything in return.
  16. Said multiple prayer for my friends and strangers.
  17. Shared a favorite verse on social media.
  18. Recommended books to several people.
  19. Sent birthday cards (through the mail because it’s always exciting to receive mail that’s not a bill or junk mail.)
  20. Gave someone a ride.
  21. Donated books.
  22. Picked up lunch and took it to a friend.
  23. Wrote a glowing review of a book by a local author.
  24. Had a conversation with a lonely, older gentleman at the park about our dogs.
  25. Gave dog toys to someone who could use them.
  26. Made a flyer for a friend’s school supply drive.
  27. Went to dinner with a friend.
  28. Shared books written by fellow local authors on social media.
  29. Helped a friend complete a big project for work.
  30. Put my cart up at the store.
  31. Sent texts to friends I hadn’t heard from in a while.
  32. Gave compliments to strangers.
  33. Asked overworked clerks how they were doing, listened as they shared family or health issues, and said a prayer for them.
  34. Donated clothing.
  35. Walked with a friend.
  36. Donated books to students for the first day of school.
  37. Let a car go in front of me.
  38. Met for a face-to-face conversation with a friend who needed someone to listen.
  39. Sent a card of encouragement to a friend.
  40. Ran errands with a friend.
  41. Gave away two books written by me on the final day.

I had many items on my list that I didn’t complete, but I also had opportunities arise that I hadn’t planned. I’m going to continue this challenge; just because my birthday is over doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t look for more opportunities to be kind. Are you intentional about finding ways to be kind to others? What would you add to this list?

Dear Jesus, help me to always be kind to others. Open my eyes to the hurting people all around me, and show me how to reach them with your love. Amen.

2 thoughts on “41 Acts of Kindness in 41 Days: My Birthday Challenge

  1. *Paid for a stranger’s order at a drive-through, (the car behind me).

    *Picked up litter on my walk, using a bag that then went into my trash bin at home. I wore a plastic glove, so that went into the bag as well.

    * With intentionality, shared pictures of beloved lost pets on FB to help spread the word.

    *Stamped postcards and sent encouragement quotations to fellow writers.

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