Birthday Reflections

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15–16)

I’m introspective by nature, and I like to take some time around my birthday to reflect on my life. This sort of self-reflection must have something to do with getting older. I’m quite sure I wasn’t so contemplative in my twenties.

A friend of mine recently posted about how he uses his birthday as a springboard to reflect and realign his life goals. I loved that idea, and then I realized I’ve been implementing it for a while. No wonder I liked it! Continue reading “Birthday Reflections”

Why I’m Focusing on the Spiritual Discipline of Prayer

“…train yourself to be godly” (1 Tim 4:7 NIV).

The word “discipline” often gets a bad rap. When we think of discipline, we think of punishment. While it can mean this, it also has a positive meaning: training to help us grow and mold our character.

A few years ago, I learned my pastor focuses on one spiritual discipline a year. While I practice many spiritual disciplines such as reading and studying my Bible, praying, and community, I had never thought about focusing on a single discipline for the year until I heard him mention it. Continue reading “Why I’m Focusing on the Spiritual Discipline of Prayer”