Lilly’s Summer of Fun

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. (Gen. 1:24)

Hi, friends! Lilly Doggins here to tell you about my fun summer hanging out with my mom! I’m happy to say that not much has changed since last summer when we were in quarantine. Mom is still home most of the time, and that makes me one happy dog! When she leaves to go buy groceries or get dinner at a drive-through, I give her my saddest puppy dog eyes to try to get her to stay—or take me with her. So far, it hasn’t worked, but she doesn’t stay gone long, thank goodness.

We walk around the neighborhood almost every morning, and a few days ago, I met a fellow Yorkie from down the street. Usually, I bark at dogs who invade my personal space, but I didn’t this time because I was so distracted by his good looks. He had a long, shiny, black and tan coat and made a game of running from his owner. That’s my kind of dog! Mom kept a tight grip on my leash because I’ve been known to get loose and play chase before, and she didn’t want me getting any wild ideas from him.

Mr. and Mrs. Guinea from next door had babies, and they come to visit often. I found the whole family in Mom’s flower bed a few days ago. They like to invade my space, but this is the first time I’ve seen them behind the rose bushes. I wanted to know why they couldn’t find another spot to hide, and Mrs. Guinea said my mom’s rose bushes provide excellent shade for her babies on these hot summer days. Well, after that, I begrudgingly allowed them to stay. It is hot outside, and they aren’t lucky enough to have a cool house where they can sleep.

The best thing about not being in a real quarantine is that I get to see my grandpawrents anytime I want. I sit in the recliner with Grandmaw and supervise Grandpaw in the yard. And Grandpaw takes me for rides around town in his pickup. One of my favorite things is sitting in the window behind Grandpaw and barking at all the dogs we see. They’re jealous I have a grandpaw who takes me for rides.

Even though quarantine’s over, I’m glad Mom’s still home. I don’t know what I’d do without her here. I’ve trained her well to give me treats at certain times of the day. I would miss that! And I would miss her too. She’s good company.

Dear Jesus, thank you for animal companions who provide fun adventures and a calming presence. Amen.