Lilly’s Quarantine Adventures

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Gen 1:26)

Hi, friends! Lilly Doggins here to tell you about my experiences during quarantine. I’m not sure what a quarantine is (that’s Mom’s word), but she has stayed home all the time for the last couple of months. She’s worked from home for a few years, but she leaves me alone sometimes, and I’m not happy when she does. She says things like, “I’m going to the coffee shop to work” or “I have to meet a client” or “It’s LifeGroup night!” I’ve never understood why I can’t go. But if the quarantine is what’s keeping my mom home, then I have to admit that I love it!
Mom and I had so many fun adventures together during the quarantine! We went for walks almost every day. The temperature dropped for a few days, and Mom said it was too cold to walk. Too cold for her, maybe! I have my own fluffy coat to keep me warm.

When we walked around the neighborhood, we saw lots of dogs and their people. I wanted to say hi and chase them all, but everyone moved in different directions so that I couldn’t figure out which way to go. And then Mom said we can’t get close to anyone else. Pshaw! How am I supposed to make friends if I can’t sniff them first?

Speaking of friends, I have a new friend that lives in our backyard. He comes out at night, and I like to wake Mom up so that I can visit with him about things happening in the neighborhood. The first time I saw my new friend, I didn’t know what he was. My nose picked up a funny smell, and then I saw a large, white fluffy ball with a long, skinny tail. I thought he was a huge white rat, so I chased him. Yorkies were originally bred to be rat killers in England, you know, and I wanted to make my ancestors proud by catching the biggest rat I’d ever seen!

The fluffy creature moved slowly at first, and I almost caught him. But right before I grabbed his tail with my teeth, he took off like a shot. What a trickster!

Poor Mom ran after me in her pajamas and house shoes, yelling at me to “get away from that opossum.” (So that’s what he is!) The neighbor’s dogs asked if I was okay. I was, but I’m not so sure about my mom. She hugged me awfully tight when she caught up with me. I tolerated her hug because I knew I had scared her, but I was glad when she put me down.

The worst thing about quarantine was that I didn’t get to see my grandpawrents for a while. I missed sitting in the recliner with Grandmaw and supervising Grandpaw in the yard. Mom said we had to be careful because they are high risk due to their age. I got worried that I might be high risk, too, because I’m older than they are! But Mom said not to worry—it’s rare for animals to get the coronavirus. Whew! If something happened to me, who would take care of Mom?

I’ll have more adventures to report next month! Stay tuned!

Dear Jesus, thank you for the adventures and companionship that our pets provide. Amen.