The Valentine’s Day Dinner

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

Years ago, I attended a small Baptist church in my hometown. When I say “small,” I mean that we had about fifteen to twenty regular attendees. I was by far the youngest attendee—by about twenty years.

One year, the women of the church decided to hold a Valentine’s Day dinner. They fixed lasagna, salad, and breadsticks—yum.

But I wasn’t going to go. I thought it wasn’t for me because I was recently divorced, and honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was celebrate love.

Eventually, I changed my mind. I don’t remember who convinced me. Maybe it was my mom, or maybe it was my aunt, who played the piano at church and helped organize the dinner. Both of them knew I didn’t need to be sitting around by myself, moping the night away.

I found out that other single adults would be there as well—it was by no means exclusive to couples. One of the organizers was a widow and did not have a date, and my aunt invited her single friend. I would be in good company.

In the end, my mom, who is always such a good sport about accompanying me to these things, and I went together, and we had the best time. We knew everyone there, of course—even the guests. Two of my mom’s brothers went to church there with their wives (one of my uncles was the preacher, and one of my aunts was the aforementioned piano player).

Every year when Valentine’s Day rolls around, I think about that dinner, which they held for several years, and how much I appreciated being included. The love that the other church members showed embodied Jesus to me. They were his hands and feet, fixing dinner for us all, and they were his eyes, seeing those like me and the other single adults who just wanted to be included on a holiday that excludes us and makes us feel unloved.

Jesus showed his love for us through his death and resurrection. On Valentine’s Day (and all through the year), we should hold this truth close as we carry his love to those around us. You never know who you might encourage.

Dear Jesus, help us to focus on your love this Valentine’s Day and to share that love with others. Amen.

2 thoughts on “The Valentine’s Day Dinner

  1. Thank you very much for this advice I never thought of it like that. Because I lost my husband 2 days after Valentine’s Day. Thank you

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