The Hope of Easter


“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” (Mt 28:6)

Each year, I shop for a new Easter dress, knowing that the weather will probably be too cold to wear it without a sweater, especially if the dress is sleeveless. It seems we almost always have one last cold snap here in Oklahoma over Easter weekend. But I enjoy wearing dresses, and Easter provides the perfect opportunity to buy a new one as new, fresh styles become available for the spring and summer seasons.

As Christians, we celebrate Easter a little differently than everyone else. While we may still buy new Easter dresses and hide Easter eggs for our kids, we know the true meaning of the holiday is to celebrate Jesus – his death and resurrection on the cross, where he willingly took the punishment for our sins.

For us, Easter is a bigger deal even than Christmas. The resurrection of Jesus is what makes Christianity different from other religions. The resurrection is what gives us hope – hope that our Savior is still alive today, hope for the forgiveness of our sins, and hope for eternal life with him.

As we celebrate Easter this year, we should remember to focus on him amid the shopping and family fun. Jesus has provided a way to the Father that can’t be earned, but we must make the choice to believe in him and the resurrection. When we ask him, he will help us overcome any unbelief and provide us with a new life in him.

Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for the resurrection, which gives us hope. Help me to focus on you at Easter and all through the year. Amen.