A Mother’s Influence

“Her children arise and call her blessed…” (Prov 31:28)

With Mother’s Day coming up next weekend, this seems like a good time to acknowledge the women who have influenced me the most in my life. From my mom to her mom to my dad’s mom, these women have provided strong examples of who a Christian woman should be. Continue reading “A Mother’s Influence”

Freelance Writing: A Look Back at My First Year

“Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance—” (Prov 1:5)

This month marks the one-year anniversary of my working full time as a freelance editor and writer. As a way to remember the occasion, I thought it would be appropriate to look back over the year and discover some of the lessons I’ve learned.

  1. Working as a freelancer has its perks. I can set my own schedule. Major perk.
  2. But setting my own schedule is challenging when I take low-paying jobs that require an enormous amount of work in order to build my clientele list and pay the bills. Finding jobs that pay well can be challenging, but I’ve learned that my time is valuable, and I must charge accordingly. If I don’t value the services I offer, why would anyone else?
  3. I’m learning to say “no” and set boundaries, especially when someone takes advantage of me.
  4. I’m learning what I enjoy writing and editing. I like academic editing. And manuscript editing. And nonfiction writing, especially grant writing, the mere thought of which makes some of my friends cringe and say a prayer of thanks that it’s me and not them. The jury is still out on fiction writing, but only because I struggle with it so much more than any other type of writing.
  5. Even though I’m an introvert, I’ve struggled to adjust to working alone. I enjoy spending time by myself, but I also enjoy the company of close friends. By nature, I’m introspective and spend a lot of time in my head. Now that I write full time, I find myself getting lost in my thoughts. I’m learning that I have to make an effort to reach outside of myself and connect with others. Through volunteering at church and networking with a fantastic community of authors and strong Christian women, I have found the support and guidance I need.
  6. My friends and family let me ask them questions or run project ideas by them, but for the most part, all the decisions for the business are up to me. I put a lot of pressure on myself because I don’t want to fail. I’ve learned not to rush my decision-making process and not to be so hard on myself if a decision doesn’t play out the way I hoped it would. Growing the business – and myself – is an ongoing process.
  7. Throughout this past year, I’ve struggled to find balance between my work and personal life. Working at home has been an awesome experience, but there’s very little separation between my work and the rest of my life. I have trouble leaving work “at work” when I never actually leave the office.
  8. It’s normal to have doubts. Write anyway.

In Proverbs 16:16, Solomon writes, “How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!” It is my prayer that when I look back over the past year, I will take note of lessons learned so that I can move forward into year two of running my own business with a clear mind and open heart. When I ask, the Lord will provide wisdom and guidance for each step that I take and help me touch the lives of others through my work.

Dear Jesus, thank you for providing the opportunity to pursue my dream of writing full time. I pray for wisdom to make decisions that will honor you. Amen.

Diomere’s Exile by Sabrina A. Fish Now Available


Diomere’s Exile by Sabrina A. Fish
The Gate Keeper Chronicles Book 1
Fantasy Romance
Published by The Wild Rose Press on September 29, 2017


 An exiled woman seeking redemption, and the man who distracts her from finding it. Continue reading “Diomere’s Exile by Sabrina A. Fish Now Available”