Confessions of a Planner

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Prov 16:9).

I’m a planner at heart, and I’m in my element when I’m organizing something, whether it’s my office space or an event. I like to plan things well in advance – the farther out, the better. Even one of my dates once pegged me for a planner, probably because I refused to drop everything to meet up for coffee at a moment’s notice. Sorry, but I only do that for good friends (and potential clients).

Even though I live like I think spontaneity is from the devil, I can—and have—adapted when necessary. In a previous blog post, I wrote about the way I sometimes meet up with friends at moment’s notice to combat loneliness. This works both ways. If a friend needs me, then I try to be there for her as well. While being spontaneous is difficult for me, it’s not impossible, and I find I benefit a great deal from releasing my hold on my schedule. Continue reading “Confessions of a Planner”