A Time to Create

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (Eph. 6:10)

In last week’s blog post, I wrote about the difficulty I’ve had lately with being creative. This past weekend, I attended the virtual Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (OWFI) conference. Attending the conference, learning from fellow writers, and mingling (even virtually) is always a boon for my creativity.

This year, the conference coordinators took a chance on me and allowed me to conduct two workshops on self-editing practices. I’ve done a lot of speaking over the years, but this was the largest event where I’ve been invited to speak. Continue reading “A Time to Create”

CREATE: Writing Goals for 2021

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded” (2 Chron 15:7).

In light of my word for the year, “create,” I’ve set two major writing goals for 2021.

I’m getting closer to finishing my first Christian cozy mystery novel, which I’ve titled Death by Dice: A Bunco Club Mystery. You may not know the story behind this book, but it’s been quite a process. I started writing it in early 2016 as a novella, and I completed it about a year later with 20,000 words. Then I decided to challenge myself further and add enough content for a complete novel. It’s taken several years and multiple starts and stops (I’ve quit for up to a year at a time twice due to health and family emergencies). Since last April, I’ve written steadily, and now I have a completed draft at just over 64,000 words! I’m making final revisions, and I’ll send it to my content editor and beta readers within a few weeks. Thanks to all my friends who checked in and held me accountable for finishing this project! Continue reading “CREATE: Writing Goals for 2021”