Honoring My Grandma’s Legacy on Her 100th Birthday

“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Prov 31:31

If my grandma Rena were still with us, she would have turned 100 on September 1. I could tell you story after story about her and her love for life and her fun personality. But what I remember most is her love for people and for Jesus. She is the person who taught me the most about the value of relationships. Continue reading “Honoring My Grandma’s Legacy on Her 100th Birthday”

Recipe of Life

Originally posted May 23, 2011

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (Ps 34:8)

Thanks to my grandma and my mom, both of whom are the best cooks I’ve ever known, one of my favorite hobbies is cooking. However, unlike my grandma, who used a “little of this and a handful of that,” I have resigned myself to using recipes and sticking with the amounts requested in the recipe. When I stray, even just a little, the dish doesn’t resemble the item it’s supposed to turn out be at all. Continue reading “Recipe of Life”

A Mother’s Influence

“Her children arise and call her blessed…” (Prov 31:28)

With Mother’s Day coming up next weekend, this seems like a good time to acknowledge the women who have influenced me the most in my life. From my mom to her mom to my dad’s mom, these women have provided strong examples of who a Christian woman should be. Continue reading “A Mother’s Influence”

My Grandma: A Living Example of Jesus’ Love

My Mom and Grandma in June 2003

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Prov 31:30-31)

My Grandma Rena was the glue that held our family together. She faced numerous hardships growing up and even after she married. When she was a child, one of her brothers died when he had a seizure and fell into a puddle of water and drowned. Her mother died when she was only 16, and her older sister Lillian, who was already married, finished raising her. Continue reading “My Grandma: A Living Example of Jesus’ Love”