The Heart: The Center of Ourselves



Pictured from left to right: Uncle Venoy (photo courtesy of Sarah Foust); Grandpa Cecil and Grandma Rena (my mom’s parents); Staci, Grandma Velma (my dad’s mom), and Stoney; and Grandpa Fred (my dad’s dad)

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” (Mt. 22:37)

Heart problems run in my family. Of my four biological grandparents, all had heart problems. Of my mom’s five brothers, two have now passed away from heart attacks. Two years ago this March, my uncle Venoy suffered a massive heart attack, passing away just hours later. Were there signs? Yes. He had terrible back pain for three days prior to the heart attack, and even though he rarely suffered from that particular malady, none of us recognized it as a sign of an impending heart attack. Continue reading “The Heart: The Center of Ourselves”

The Thanksgiving List

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” (Ps 100:4)

This month, the theme of my blog posts revolves around having an attitude of thanksgiving. Over on, I’ve written a series of writing prompts to inspire a grateful attitude. This week’s prompt is to write a list of 25 things for which I’m thankful. Family and friends are a given, as is Lilly, so I didn’t include people unless I’m referring to them as a group. My goal is to dive deeper, below the surface, to discover everyday things for which I’m thankful. Continue reading “The Thanksgiving List”

My Grandma: A Living Example of Jesus’ Love

My Mom and Grandma in June 2003

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Prov 31:30-31)

My Grandma Rena was the glue that held our family together. She faced numerous hardships growing up and even after she married. When she was a child, one of her brothers died when he had a seizure and fell into a puddle of water and drowned. Her mother died when she was only 16, and her older sister Lillian, who was already married, finished raising her. Continue reading “My Grandma: A Living Example of Jesus’ Love”

My Personal Top 40

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isa 41:10)

Today is my 40th birthday, so happy birthday to me! I wanted to share with you 40 lessons I’ve learned over the course of my life. Some of them are obvious, but I think they bear repeating. Some, like the lessons I’ve learned about putting myself out there and talking to strangers, may not apply to you if you’re an extrovert. Some are humorous because “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Prov 17:22a). Hopefully, you’ll find some of them to be eye-opening and helpful in your own life. Continue reading “My Personal Top 40”

Car Repairs and People Who Care

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ…” Gal 6:2

I put my bag of groceries in the passenger seat and walked around the car. I placed the key in the ignition, turned it, and…nothing. I turned the key off, but it didn’t want to come out. I turned it to the on position again, and still nothing. I took the key out this time, and the radio came on, startling me. On the verge of panic, I took a deep breath and called my dad, who was over 100 miles away. Continue reading “Car Repairs and People Who Care”