My Personal Top 40

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isa 41:10)

Today is my 40th birthday, so happy birthday to me! I wanted to share with you 40 lessons I’ve learned over the course of my life. Some of them are obvious, but I think they bear repeating. Some, like the lessons I’ve learned about putting myself out there and talking to strangers, may not apply to you if you’re an extrovert. Some are humorous because “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Prov 17:22a). Hopefully, you’ll find some of them to be eye-opening and helpful in your own life.

When I had the idea for this blog post, I thought there wouldn’t be any way I could come up with 40 lessons. But I ended up with close to 60, and I probably could have kept going. I’ve pared the list down to the top 40.

For many years, I let my desire for perfection control my life. I wouldn’t attempt so many things because I was afraid to fail. I’ve learned a number of lessons along those lines, but they’re summed up best in this one sentence: perfection is the enemy of the good (#32). And that is the biggest lesson I’ve learned – and am still learning to this day.

  1. Put God first, and everything else will fall in line.
  2. Don’t neglect friendships.
  3. God always provides. Always. Even when my faith waivers.
  4. Family is the most important thing in this world.
  5. Material possessions won’t make you happy.
  6. To make friends, you have to be a friend. This means listening to others and putting your ideas into action. Be there for others even when it’s inconvenient for you.
  7. Don’t spend more than you earn.
  8. Take care of yourself now so that you don’t have health problems later.
  9. Relationships are hard. All relationships, not just marriage. You have to put in the work if you expect to see results.
  10. Dogs make the best companions. Cats are okay, too, but they don’t really need us. Dogs thrive on our love and attention – kind of like people.
  11. Forgiveness is good for your soul – and your health.
  12. Just because you forgive doesn’t mean you should forget.
  13. Boundaries protect you as well as others.
  14. You don’t have to be perfect.
  15. You don’t have to be in control. Control is just an illusion anyway.
  16. Words have meaning and power – so choose your words carefully and use them to build up others.
  17. Education is important, and you should never stop learning.
  18. Failure is an option. Learn from your mistakes and try again.
  19. The best way to learn more about God and grow closer to him is to pray and read his word.
  20. God will speak into my soul if I’m quiet and still.
  21. You make time for the things that are important to you.
  22. Life doesn’t end with divorce.
  23. Read. Every day.
  24. Play with your pets and your kids.
  25. Borrowed from my friend Nicole Waggoner – “The days are long, but the years are short.”
  26. It’s okay to say no. Sometimes, it’s even necessary to say no. Remember, boundaries are good.
  27. I function better with at least six hours of sleep, and eight is even better. Avoid me at all costs if I’ve had a bad night with less than four hours.
  28. Just because the dish of chocolate ice cream is in front of me doesn’t mean I have to eat it. But I know myself, and I will. And it will taste great.
  29. Take risks. Step outside of your comfort zone and do the difficult thing you’ve been avoiding. Do something that scares you.
  30. Have no regrets. Instead, learn from each situation.
  31. I can never be good enough. But Christ is enough, and through him, I am also enough.
  32. Perfection is the enemy of the good.
  33. Talk to people you don’t know. My dog is a great ice breaker. She’s small and cute and everyone we meet likes to comment about her. I’ve made several new friends thanks to Lilly.
  34. Running my own business is hard, but more rewarding than anything else I’ve ever done because I’m doing something I love: writing and reaching people for the Lord.
  35. When you help others, you help yourself.
  36. Make every moment count.
  37. The people you surround yourself with matter. They will influence you, so make sure to surround yourself with people who will encourage you and help you grow.
  38. Take time to have fun, whatever that means for you. Whether it’s reading a book, traveling, or playing games with your friends and family, enjoy time away from the daily grind.
  39. Support your friends. Ask about their interests. Listen to their concerns. And pray for them.
  40. If you want something, go for it. Don’t let fear hold you back.

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