Top 10 Posts in 2020

As 2020 comes to an end (finally!), I wanted to share my top ten blog posts for the year. COVID-19 was, of course, a major theme running throughout my blog posts this year. On the whole, I looked for positive things to share in my posts. The following posts have resonated most strongly with you, my readers, over the last eleven months: Continue reading “Top 10 Posts in 2020”

Reflections on Year 4

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Prov 29:18 KJV)

When my friend and I started Prestige Prose, our online professional editing service, back in 2015, my goal was to run the business full time someday. But to be honest, I wasn’t sure if that could be a reality. I knew people who edited or wrote as a side hustle but not full time.

After establishing an online presence and developing a small portfolio, I ventured out on my own in October 2016. I quit my office job. My goal at the time was to give the editing business one year and then reevaluate. Continue reading “Reflections on Year 4”

Giving Thanks for Fall

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess 5:18)

Fall has long been my favorite season. As a child, I looked forward to the first day of school when I would see my friends again. The sport I enjoyed most—basketball—started in the fall.

When I was diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder as an adult, I dreaded fall because it meant I was that much closer to winter, when the worst of my symptoms would hit. Continue reading “Giving Thanks for Fall”

Developing Unity Among Believers

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. (1 Peter 3:8 ESV)

This year has brought challenges none of us ever imagined. I wrote recently about how the year started with promise but quickly devolved into a year of chaos. As I mentioned in that blog post, I don’t have any answers. At the same time, I will continue to seek answers for the problems I see around me.

I recently heard the term “virus fatigue,” and I think it encapsulates how many people feel about the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopes were high for the second half of the year to be “normal.” But with the COVID-19 numbers spiking, and in many cases higher than ever, fears surrounding the coronavirus still abound. Continue reading “Developing Unity Among Believers”

The Process of Renewal

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Mt 11:29)

Back in January, I wrote about choosing the word “renew” word for 2020. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, renew means “to make like new; restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection.”

I chose this word because I felt depleted. After years of nonstop busyness, from running my editing business to volunteering at church and for writing organizations, I knew I was heading for burnout. I wasn’t getting enough physical rest, but this sense of depletion felt deeper. I studied spiritual rest and discovered how it’s different than physical rest—it’s a rest for the soul and a time of drawing closer to God. Continue reading “The Process of Renewal”