Reflections on Year 4

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Prov 29:18 KJV)

When my friend and I started Prestige Prose, our online professional editing service, back in 2015, my goal was to run the business full time someday. But to be honest, I wasn’t sure if that could be a reality. I knew people who edited or wrote as a side hustle but not full time.

After establishing an online presence and developing a small portfolio, I ventured out on my own in October 2016. I quit my office job. My goal at the time was to give the editing business one year and then reevaluate.

That was four years ago. I’m still trucking along, so each year at this time, I like to look back at the lessons I’ve learned. As we all know, this last year has been unlike any other. Many small businesses haven’t made it. Thankfully, I have a loyal client base who has continued to need and use my editing services even in these trying times.

What has running a business during a pandemic taught me?

Have a vision for the future.

Small steps taken one after another in the right direction will help me reach my goals. During the last seven months, I’ve worked to find new ways to be creative and introduce new services. One of my friends says videos are the future, and the statistics bear that out—almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. So I started a YouTube channel, wrote a book of writing prompts, and started a newsletter.

Be flexible.

Finding new ways to deliver services can be the key to making it through this tough time. While I already worked from home, the pandemic meant that I was no longer able to do client consultations in person. Technology provided a way to overcome this barrier. I have friends who couldn’t move their core products when things shut down, so they began making masks to sell through their businesses. Others started baking and delivering homecooked foods.

Self-care is more important than ever.

And it’s something I still don’t do well. At times, my work is mentally and spiritually draining. I need rest to refresh my spirit—and not just physical rest. For me, this means reading my Bible, praying, participating in online Bible studies, and reaching out to friends to chat.

Dear Jesus, thank you for allowing me to run my business for another year. Please be with all those whose businesses closed and show them their next steps. Help me to take the lessons I’ve learned and apply them to the future. Amen.