For the Directionally Challenged

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace . . . (1 Cor. 14:33)

I recently started attending Sunday school at a new church. It’s like a small city, and for this woman who grew up in a town of about 200 people, it can be overwhelming to walk into a building with more than 20 times that number of people milling about at one time.

I’ve attended the class only a handful of times, so I’m still trying to figure out the layout. On my second trip there, I went in a different door and asked the volunteer if I could get to where I needed to be from that entryway. She directed me around the corner and down a hallway that took me to the atrium that connected to the Sunday school classroom hallway. Confused yet? If not, maybe I need to take you with me next time. Continue reading “For the Directionally Challenged”