When Strivings Cease

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10)

Even though I would like for life to slow down at Christmastime, it rarely does. In fact, it usually speeds up. With plays and parties, baking and decorating, Bible studies and special church services, it seems there’s more to do than at any other time of the year.

I don’t know how your Christmas season has been, but my plans for a quiet month of rest and reflection disappeared quickly as I spent long days, nights, and weekends working; dealing with a COVID scare (thankfully, I tested negative, but it canceled several of my activities); and walking beside friends who are going through some really hard things. Continue reading “When Strivings Cease”

Tending to Our Relationship with God

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (1 Chron. 16:11)

A few months ago, I planted a variety of flowers in containers and some vegetables in raised beds. I made sure to plant each flower and veggie in partial sun. When I’ve planted in direct sunlight in the past, even those varieties that say they can be planted in full sun wither and die in the brutal Oklahoma heat.

After an unseasonably cool and wet spring, my plants took off, with the flowers nearly bursting out of their containers. The unseasonably cool temperatures continued into the summer, and even though we’ve had plenty of hot and humid days, the cooler temperatures combined with lots of rain and shade have led to my garden flourishing in a way I haven’t seen in years. Continue reading “Tending to Our Relationship with God”