Finding Hope at Christmas

Author’s note: Since this month’s blog posts will coincide with the four Sundays in Advent, the theme of each blog post will have the same theme as that week in Advent. The theme for the first Sunday in Advent is hope, the second is love, the third is joy, and the final one is peace.

“…the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” (Ps 147:11)

I look forward to Christmas with great anticipation each year. I enjoy everything about the season: the lights, the music, the baking, the gifts, the cards, the Hallmark movies…and the list goes on. As a child, I looked forward to opening gifts so much that I talked my mom into letting my brother and me open a gift on Christmas Eve once or twice.

As an adult, there have been years when I dreaded the holiday season. The year my grandma and father-in-law both passed away was particularly difficult. But nothing could have prepared me for the feelings of grief and loss that tainted my love for the holiday for several years after my divorce. For a while, I lost hope that things would ever be better. Continue reading “Finding Hope at Christmas”


This post was originally published in my newsletter, Staci Mauney, Author, on August 10, 2018.

“Therefore, you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Mt 24:44)

I stayed at my parents’ house recently while they went to visit my brother and his wife in Georgia. Lilly watched the door faithfully, and any noise from that direction of the house caused her to run as quickly as possible to see what was happening. She waited in anticipation for my parents to come through the door, and when they didn’t, she would go back to her spot on the couch, her eyes trained on the door, believing they would come through at any moment. Continue reading “Anticipation”