Stretching into the Future

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josh 1:9)

When I look back over the last few years of my life, I see how far God has asked me to move out of my comfort zone. I started my own business, moved to a new city, joined a new church, and led a regional writing organization. But just when I think I’ve stretched as far as I can go, God asks me to do even more.

This season of the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of stretching and growth for me. I know that’s not the case for everyone. For those who have been sick or who have lost loved ones or jobs, there is no silver lining to this pandemic, and I don’t want to dismiss the very real suffering that some people are going through.

For me, the early days of the pandemic were novel, if inconvenient. Fear, of course, was a factor, and I’ve written about this in other blog posts. In an effort to deal with the fear of the unknown, I dove into work. I started a writing tips YouTube channel and a newsletter for my editing business. I also created a free e-book of writing prompts to give away to those who subscribe to my newsletter. Making videos and releasing a new book moved me outside my comfort zone. I didn’t know the best way to make the videos, and I still don’t, but I’m putting myself out there every week. I didn’t know if anyone would watch the videos or want the book or newsletter, but so far, my new projects have been well received.

I believed—hoped, really—that regular life would resume quickly and somehow resemble “normal.” Then the pandemic stretched to three months. Now at six months, we know we’re in it for the long haul. God continues to ask me to move out of my comfort zone in new ways.

My church asked for volunteers to do some tasks remotely, and I offered to help. My assignment was calling to check on people. If you know me at all, you know this is farther outside my comfort zone than I care to go. Some people have no problem reaching out in this way, but when I have to call people I don’t know, my shyness and insecurities kick in. I had to psych myself up for each call. And of course, things went smoothly.

God continues to stretch me in new directions. He simply asks me to obey. This season of stretching will take me into the future as I learn new skills and develop new resources. Ultimately, each challenge helps me deal with change and reminds me that God is in control. He has been faithful to be by my side, supporting me and surrounding me with people to help me. And that makes stepping out into the unknown a little less scary.

Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me step outside my comfort zone. When I resist this type of stretching, remind me of your faithfulness. You have always been there, and you always will be. Amen.