
“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Tim 1:5)

We all have funny quirks. When I’m reading, Lilly will jump in my lap, sniff the book all around, lick it one time, and then look up to see my reaction. It’s almost as if she wants to know why I’m just holding the book and not licking it, too. I haven’t figured out why she does this. Maybe it’s the glue or the taste of all the other hands that have held the book.

I have funny quirks, too. Anyone who’s ever eaten a meal with me knows that I don’t like my food to touch. I eat one thing at a time, saving the best for last – usually the entrée. My quirks often make me feel different and out of place. But God made us all with unique characteristics and our own likes and dislikes.

We often place our identity in external things – our family, our accomplishments, or our job. But those things are only one part of us. We sometimes try to squelch our quirks when we’re around others. After all, what would they think if they knew the real me? The inability to be real – with others and ourselves – leads to an insincerity that other people can usually see right through.

The Lord will help us be ourselves, with our unique quirks and attributes. He’ll show us how to be authentic and to be vulnerable with others. While we won’t reveal everything to everyone – it’s okay to protect yourself from those who will use the information against you – we can be real as we begin to learn our identity in Christ. This means we know to whom we belong, and we believe it.

Jesus stayed true to himself and his Father until the very end. He didn’t mince words with his disciples, and he made it clear that his goal while on earth was to do the will of God, not man. With his help, we, too, can be the person he made us to be.

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving us an example of what it’s like to live a true and authentic life here on earth. Help us not compromise who we are to meet the approval of others. Help us to be our true selves no matter the situation. Amen.