More of Lilly’s Quarantine Adventures

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. (Gen 1:24)

Hi, friends! Lilly Doggins here. My mom and I had so many adventures during quarantine that she said I could tell you more about them!

When it started getting hot outside, Mom gave me a bath. And then, horror of horrors, she cut my hair. With scissors. Where was Ms. Connie, my groomer, when I needed her? I never thought I’d miss being groomed, but boy, did I! I didn’t think Mom would ever finish. I had to sit down to rest a few times. I looked like a mess when she got done, but I was so much cooler. I’m actually glad Mom cut my hair. Thankfully, it happened only once. At the end of May, Mom let me go to Ms. Connie’s again, and now I look like the pretty girl Mom always says I am.

We had more visitors! Mr. Opossum came back with his wife and toddler. He said he has a lot of good hiding places in the neighborhood, and sometimes he even hangs upside down from the trees. And he likes to eat fleas and ticks, which are the bane of my existence. I’m so glad I have help keeping the flea and tick population under control.

The guineas from next door came to visit often. Mr. Guinea has lived next door forever, and about a month ago, he started flitting around the neighborhood with his girlfriend. Show off! We played chase around the tree one afternoon. They laughed and squawked and flapped their wings. I wanted to know why they kept coming into my space, and they said our yard has good grubs. Eew! Grubs are gross, but I guess I’ll let the guineas eat them. I would hate to let good food go to waste, even if it’s something I don’t like.

The worst thing that happened was that Mom took me to the V-E-T. It was traumatic! Some strange man came out to the car to get me. He asked Mom if I was nice! Can you imagine? Of all the…of course I’m nice. I barked to tell him so, but I’m not sure he believed me until I got out of the car, sniffed his shoes, and stopped barking. But I put my feet down when he took my leash. Stranger danger! He just scooped me up and carried me inside. And Mom let him. The indignity! I have four legs and can take myself, thank you very much. I just didn’t want to.

I heard Mom say that people have gone back to work, but I’m glad she’s still home. I don’t know what I’d do without her here. I’ve trained her well to give me treats at certain times of the day. I would miss that! And I would miss her too. She’s good company.

Dear Jesus, thank you for animal companions who provide fun distractions and a calming presence during troubled times. Amen.