Growing During the Easter Season

“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.” (Ps 119:37)

The Easter season begins with Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, reflection, and penance that leads to the celebration of Easter Sunday. Lent represents the 40 days that Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before starting his ministry.

Even though I did not grow up in a denomination that celebrates Lent, I understand the season much better now as an adult. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 40 days before Easter, and occurred this past Wednesday, March 6. During Lent, many Christians prepare for Easter by giving something up. This is a time to practice the Christian disciplines of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to reflect on Jesus and his suffering and sacrifice. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by Satan, so Lent is the start of a period that mirrors that time in the life of many Christians (Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13). The season of Lent allows Christians to do this as a collective, providing support and encouragement for one another as we look toward the second coming of Jesus Christ with great anticipation and hope.

This year, I’m not giving up anything. Instead, I’m committing to be consistent in reading God’s word and prayer. I’m participating in a Lent YouVersion Bible plan with my small group, and I’m reading a 40-day Easter prayer guide. While this may violate the tradition of Lent, I believe it upholds the spirit of the season. Since the purpose of Lent is to focus on Jesus, intentionally participating in these activities seemed to be the best way for me to do that.

As we approach Holy Week, we are reminded that the culmination of this season is Easter Sunday, when we observe Jesus’ resurrection. As the day approaches, we should remember to place Jesus first every day and to thank him for all he has done so that we may have new life through him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, search our hearts and help us to repent of any sin found there. Thank you for an entire season to focus on you first and foremost and to celebrate your death and resurrection. Help me to focus on you throughout this season and each day moving forward. In Jesus’ name. Amen.