Finding the Pandemic Reset Button

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” Rom 14:12

Early in the pandemic, I threw myself into work and other projects to stay busy, and now I’m feeling the fatigue. Every day feels like Groundhog Day.

I’ve let some things slip. Things like my Bible study time and eating habits. Has this happened to you? No? Is it just me?

I still read the Bible every day, and I still eat healthy meals. But I haven’t made actual study a priority in a while, and I have email after email from online Bible studies I signed up for and never opened. I considered joining a Bible study at my church that meets through Zoom, but adding one more thing back into my schedule felt overwhelming.

And I eat way too many Reese’s candy bars, which completely offsets the healthy meals. They’re just so good.

I can’t fix everything overnight or all at once. But I can begin taking small steps. Last week, I wrote about focusing on the holidays and spending more time anticipating Jesus’s birth. I’m going back to the routine that previously worked best for me: studying the Bible mid-morning. By that time, I’m awake enough to soak up what I’m reading. If I study first thing or wait until evening, I’m too tired to concentrate.

As for my eating habits, I’ll work on those too. Hiding the Reese’s in the freezer so that they aren’t so readily available is the first step. What’s that? Throw out a perfectly good candy bar? Oh, the horror!

This is my accountability post—my pandemic reset button, if you will. Feel free to ask me how it’s going and if I’m sticking with my new routines. I believe the best way to get back on track is to be transparent and honest, and I’m thankful for my God who picks me up when I fail and shows me how to adjust and for a community of readers who support me.

Dear Jesus, I want to grow closer to you, and I know the best way to do that is to study your Word and talk with you about it. Please help me make time to come into your presence each day and learn more about you. Amen.