Finding My Way Back to Center

“For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth.” (Ps. 71:5)

Several months ago, my workload increased to the point where I was working upwards of ten to twelve hours a day, seven days a week, consistently for almost four months. While I was excited that my business was doing so well, working those kinds of hours took a toll. I let a number of things slide—things like my blogs and social media posts and my next cozy mystery—things I had worked hard to build but didn’t have time to maintain. I didn’t participate in get togethers with friends because I had deadlines to meet. I stopped reaching out as much. I started reading books and Bible studies that I still haven’t finished.

Honestly, I don’t know what the answer is, and I’m not saying all this to complain. I know I’m certainly not the only person with too much work to do and too little time to do it. But writing things out helps me process things. What could I have done differently to make more time in my schedule? What do you do to make time for yourself and others when external forces beyond your control take center stage?

Throughout my busiest times, I stayed connected to friends and family through text or phone calls. Recently, I’ve taken steps to integrate short in-person get togethers back into my schedule. I met a friend for a short coffee break a few weeks ago. On two other occasions, I met friends for brunch and then attended another friend’s baby shower. And while I didn’t keep up with my Bible studies the last few months, I did read my Bible app daily.

Even though it’s now March and Easter is quickly approaching, I’ve decided to finish the Advent Bible study called Our Hope Has Come that I started in December and never finished. The timing may be off, but the Advent study feels right—it points me to Jesus, which is what Lent and the Easter season should do. The hope we have in Jesus was fulfilled on the cross with his death and resurrection. While I may be a few months late finishing the study, it seems that God is once again right on time with what I need to hear.

Dear Jesus, thank you for being our hope all year long. Thank you for the promise of Easter and the eternal life we find in you. As life gets crazy around us, help us to find ways to stay centered on you. Amen.

One thought on “Finding My Way Back to Center

  1. I found it important to take time out when I’ve too much to do. I will push off those things I find less important, and they stay hanging in the back of my mind, still draining my energy because I recall things that I need to do. But, keeping up the Bible study is important to keep the business of life in perspective.

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