Coping with Anxiety with Lilly Doggins

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:7–10).

Fears surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) rise every day. We’re inundated with the news twenty-four hours a day. Rising death tolls and dire predictions about hospital supplies and the economy keep us on edge. Social distancing, while necessary, leads to isolation and other negative mental health effects.

Like everyone else, I’m experiencing a myriad of emotions right now. One minute I’m calm and focused on the task at hand. The next minute I’m sad about all the loss we’re experiencing right now and worried about family members, friends, and my business.

In the middle of this storm is my Yorkie companion, Lilly. She provides a sense of normalcy to very unnatural times. She still needs to eat and go outside and curl up on a soft blanket. She doesn’t know the world around us is in chaos. She only knows that I’m with her even more than usual, and because I’m here, she’s okay.

The companionship of a pet offers many benefits, and here are just a few of the ways Lilly helps me:

Reduced stress. Pets can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression—all of which are problems we face right now. Pets can not only sense mood but also interpret tone and body language. If I start pacing, Lilly knows I’m worried, and she’ll hide under the end table. When I see her do this, I realize I need to calm down. I take a deep breath and reach to pet her, and she joyfully runs to me.

Reduced loneliness. Even though I’m alone, I’m not really. Lilly is with me and keeps me company while I work. When I sit down to read or watch TV, she jumps in my lap or snuggles up beside me.

Increased activity. Pets help us increase our physical activity, which can improve our physical and mental health. I take Lilly for a walk at least once a day unless it’s freezing or raining. Walking is one of her favorite pastimes. We go early in the morning before the neighborhood stirs. We usually see a few people on our walks, but we keep plenty of distance between us. Even if I don’t want to go, Lilly will follow me around the house until I give in. And I always feel so much better when I do. I also take more breaks when I have to get up to let Lilly go outside.

Improved relationship with God. The way Lilly approaches me is the same way I should approach God—with enthusiasm, love, and joy. She reminds me that I shouldn’t be afraid to express my needs to him. I can talk to him anytime.

Taking care of a beloved pet has benefits all the time, not just during a crisis. But it is nice to know that Lilly is nearby and will help reduce my anxiety when I start feeling stressed and sad. I’m thankful that the Lord has allowed me to care for her, and in turn, she takes care of me.

Dear Jesus, thank you for our pets that help reduce our anxiety and stress and provide companionship. Help us to be the best caregivers to them we can be. Amen.