Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

At the Skirvin Hotel for WriterCon 2019

Writing is a solitary activity, but like anything else, my writing is better when I have a group of people who can provide feedback and cheer me on. Attending a writing conference is a great way to meet like-minded people, learn more about the craft of writing, and learn more about the business side of writing.

This weekend, I attended WriterCon, an annual writing conference in Oklahoma City. Even though I’ve been attending writing conferences for years (and even helped organize a few), I learn new lessons each time. Continue reading “Overcoming Negative Self-Talk”

Meeting Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell at local book signing

“David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.’” (1 Chron 28:20)

I had the opportunity to meet Bruce Campbell, the actor from the TV show Burn Notice and The Evil Dead movie franchise, at a book signing recently held at a local bookstore. This was a big deal for a couple of reasons: 1) to date, he’s the most famous person I’ve met; and 2) I attended the book signing alone, something I probably wouldn’t have done even just a year ago. And meeting him was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had. Continue reading “Meeting Bruce Campbell”