Serving Outside My Comfort Zone

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Heb 13:16)

As an introvert, I have a difficult time stepping outside of my comfort zone to meet new people, even in situations that are designed for that purpose. Back when I had a day job and attended networking meetings on a regular basis, I would make my exit as quickly as possible when we were told to mingle, totally defeating the purpose of being there.

More recently, I have enlisted Lilly’s help in my efforts to speak to strangers in a non-invasive, non-creepy way. When we go for walks, the people we meet comment about her to me. She’s been a great ice breaker. We see the same people every time we walk. At first, one of the women we meet wouldn’t look at us and walked by as quickly as she could. But after about a week, she started making eye contact and smiling at us, and we now say hello every time we see each other. It may not seem like much, but for two introverts, it’s a good start.

Thankfully, the Lord helps us whether we look inside ourselves to recharge or look to our interactions with other people for energy. He can help us get outside of our comfort zones either way. For me, that means I have had to learn to interact with people so that I can fulfil the command to serve others. It’s hard to serve others if you won’t have anything to do with them.

Being introverted doesn’t mean that I’m not friendly – because I am – it just means that I spend more time inside my own head than with other people. At this point in my life, I’ve had enough practice that my friendliness has led some people to believe that I’m an extrovert. While that’s not the case, I do enjoy being around people and helping them fulfil their goals.

In order to share the love of Jesus with others, we have to get outside of ourselves. Sometimes that means doing something that makes us uncomfortable, whether we’re an introvert or an extrovert. That’s when we learn and grow. When we rely on Jesus during these times, he will help us find the balance so that we can show others the way to him.

Dear Jesus, help me get out of my comfort zone today. Send me one new person with whom to interact and show your love. Amen.