And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity (Col. 3:14).
As 2020 approached, I was filled with hope and anticipation for what the new decade would bring. I read articles about twenty-twenty vision, clarity, and goal setting. I sought advice for how to make 2020 the best decade ever. I brainstormed about long-term goals to determine where I saw myself and my business now and in another ten years. The future was bright and promising.
Now, we are halfway through 2020, and most would agree that that the problems we’re facing are unprecedented. From the COVID-19 to quarantine to the senseless death of George Floyd to rioting and looting, we’ve faced tremendous upheaval. My heart breaks for Floyd’s family, for those who face racial injustice on a daily basis, for the families of those who’ve died from COVID-19, and for those who’ve lost their businesses due to the virus or the rioting or both.
The world around us has erupted in chaos, and each month of 2020 brings a new, deeper challenge. But good things are still happening. People are banding together to rebuild businesses and communities destroyed by rioters, looters, and vandals. Real systemic change is being talked about. Voices speaking out against racism are being heard.
When seeking change, we should look first at ourselves. No one is without bias or prejudice of some sort. We all can benefit from open dialogue and an open mind.
I don’t have any answers to the problems we face today. I do believe that we, as Christians, should seek to be part of the solution, and I believe Jesus has those answers. Jesus, who disrupted the status quo over two thousand years ago. Jesus, who was considered radical for his time. Jesus, who commanded us to love each other: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). He turned the world upside down with his pursuit of God’s will here on earth.
When we ask, he will search our hearts and reveal our bias and prejudice. He will show us how to take steps to be unified as a people. No matter what happens in the world around us, I’m thankful that Jesus is our hope, our peace, and our anchor.
Dear Jesus, please heal our hurting world. I pray for those who have been affected by the chaos this year has brought. I pray you would search our hearts and bring lasting change in our lives and our country. Amen.
Staci, thank you for your post. It gave me both peace and hope.
Jan, thank you for your comment! I’m so glad to know that God used my words to help you.