A Strong Influence

“Her children arise and call her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:28)

Mother’s Day is always a good time to acknowledge the women who have influenced me the most. Throughout my life, I’ve had many examples of what a strong Christian woman looks like. My family tree is filled with women who have helped me learn more about Jesus and grow stronger in my faith, and I also have a lot of friends who have been good examples. Continue reading “A Strong Influence”

New Year, New You

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Cor. 5:17)

The new year brings with it the promise of a clean slate, with greater things yet to come. Each year as the calendar turns over, we hear refrains of “new year, new you” echoing everywhere—in ads on TV, on the radio, and on social media. Bloggers write about ways you can make changes and make a fresh start as the new year rolls around.

The problem with this is that we don’t leave our problems behind just because the date on the calendar has changed. Difficult situations that we faced on December 31 are still there on January 1. Continue reading “New Year, New You”

The Clarity of Hindsight

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. (Is 64:4)

Hindsight is twenty-twenty. It’s a cliché because it’s true. When I look back over a situation, I always have more clarity than when I am in the middle of it. While I may not understand completely, I do find lessons and areas of growth I couldn’t see at the time.

That’s the case with the recent quarantine. While many are still quarantined for various reasons—their health or the health of a loved one, their level of exposure to someone with the virus, the area where they live—most of the US has started opening up to some degree. So I may not have enough hindsight yet, but lessons are emerging. Continue reading “The Clarity of Hindsight”