Charlie Bones and the Dreaded Dizzy Spells

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. (Ps. 62:5)

It’s been a while since I provided you with an update about Charlie Bones and the effects of his head injury. Every few weeks since his concussion in March (which you can read about here), Charlie has a dizzy spell where he becomes wobbly and has trouble walking.

This week, he had a bad spell that started at ten in the morning and got progressively worse throughout the day. The vet has instructed me to give him a steroid pill when these spells start—the steroid will reduce the inflammation in his neck that’s causing his dizziness—but this time, the pill didn’t work because his neck had locked up. After a trip to the vet for an adjustment, he was finally able to keep his legs under him and move around without as much pain.

Each time this happens, I worry about my young puppy being in so much pain, just as I’m sure any parent of either furry children or human ones would feel. I want to make him better, but unfortunately, it’s out of my control.

What I can control is how I react. My default mode is panic when watching Charlie’s body sway while standing still or seeing his legs slip out from under him as he tries to walk.

And while panic may be a normal reaction, it’s important that I don’t stay in panic mode. God did not give us a spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7). So even though Charlie’s symptoms are scary, I know God is greater—he’s the Healer, after all. And until Charlie is healed completely, God has provided a wonderful, caring vet with the exact chiropractic skill set that Charlie needs.

Just as with any head injury, we’ll most likely be dealing with the effects for a while. Over the last few months, several people who have had significant head injuries have shared their stories with me. What do these people all have in common? Their symptoms lasted for a while (as long as two years for one of the most severe), but eventually, God healed them, and they no longer have dizzy spells or any of the other symptoms associated with their head injury.

And this gives me hope. I’m thankful to those who have shared their own stories to remind me that God is in control, and he can and does heal. It may take time, and in the meantime, I’m sure there are lessons to be learned about patience and trust and perseverance.

So Charlie and I continue on with our lives, me with a watchful eye and him living the spoiled puppy life that he deserves. This is just a bump in the road, and with God’s help, someday I’ll be the one sharing Charlie’s story and how God ultimately healed him.

Dear Jesus, you are the Healer, and I believe that you will ultimately heal Charlie. In the meantime, please be with him as he continues to suffer dizzy spells caused by his concussion. Show me how to help him when this happens and to provide the best life possible for him. Amen.