“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (1 Chron. 16:11)
A few months ago, I planted a variety of flowers in containers and some vegetables in raised beds. I made sure to plant each flower and veggie in partial sun. When I’ve planted in direct sunlight in the past, even those varieties that say they can be planted in full sun wither and die in the brutal Oklahoma heat.
After an unseasonably cool and wet spring, my plants took off, with the flowers nearly bursting out of their containers. The unseasonably cool temperatures continued into the summer, and even though we’ve had plenty of hot and humid days, the cooler temperatures combined with lots of rain and shade have led to my garden flourishing in a way I haven’t seen in years.
As I tend my garden, making sure each plant gets the right combination of sunlight and water, I’m reminded of how we must also tend to our relationship with God. Life certainly doesn’t always provide optimal conditions for growth, and it’s easy to drift away from God when we’re not paying attention.
So how do we tend to our relationship with God?
Put away our devices. Our phones and tablets are a major source of distraction. From games to social media, they take us out of the present and turn our attention elsewhere. Even though there are definitely some good uses for our phones, it’s all too tempting to move directly from the Bible app to the social media app without pausing in between. I know because I’m guilty of this.
Sit still. Learning to sit still takes practice, especially when you live in a hurried, distracted world like ours. Prayer is the most important part of our relationship with God, and it’s not just us talking to him—it’s also us listening for his response. When you talk to God, do you wait to hear his response before rushing to the next task? I know how hard this is, and I have to admit I’m not good at sitting still. At all. It can be difficult to slow down my mind so that I’m focused on God and not on all the things left on my to-do list.
Read God’s Word. Staying in God’s Word can be challenging when so many other things battle for our attention. But reading the Bible helps us stay in touch with God and his plan for our lives.
When we tend to our relationship with God by putting away our devices, sitting still, and reading his Word, we’ll notice our spiritual lives begin to flourish. And keep in mind that good communication and fewer distractions can improve any relationship, not just the one we have with God.
We don’t have to try all these things at once. Take it one step at a time. Start by putting your phone away for thirty minutes, then an hour, then two hours. When you make the effort, you’ll find God’s presence meeting you wherever you are.
Dear Jesus, help me to minimize the distractions in my life so that I can grow in my relationship with you. Help me to be fully present when I’m with you and to seek to spend time with you. Amen.
Thank you for the gentle reminder to slow down and take time to listen.
Thank you for reading!