The Darkest Days

For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help (Ps 22:24).

In Oklahoma, we usually have a deep cold snap about this time of year. It was right on time this year, and it’s so deep and long it’s breaking records. In fact, we’re still in the middle of it. As someone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), I’m worn out by time February comes along. January drags, but the dreary, gray days of February take their toll as winter tightens its grip before finally giving way to spring.

During cold, dismal February, grief feels like it’s compounded. Not only are we dealing with a stretch of eleven days without sunshine (or maybe thirteen—but who’s counting?), but we’re also still dealing with the impact of the global pandemic. Continue reading “The Darkest Days”

The Winter of My Soul

“He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour’” (Job 37:6).

During the winter, the days are cold, dark, and barren. Colors are drab and unappealing. Winter is my least favorite season, but even so, it’s important both in nature and in our spiritual life. Our lives resemble the four seasons: new beginnings like the spring, busy like the summer, harvest like the fall, and rest like the winter.

We resist experiencing winter in our lives, which is natural. We want continual spring or summer or fall. Any season but winter, really. But a winter season doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong. It can feel that way when our days are bleak and our souls are tired. Continue reading “The Winter of My Soul”

The Benefits of Reading



“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn…” (Rom 12:15)

The cold months of winter were made for curling up with a cup of tea and a good book and of course, Lilly. When I read, Lilly likes to curl up in my lap (on top of a blanket, of course), or right next to my feet on the end of the recliner. She is always curious about what I’m reading – she will give the book a good sniff or two and then lick it a couple of times before giving her approval and settling in next to me. When my mom reads the newspaper, she jumps right in the middle of my mom’s lap and steps on the paper before turning around as if she’s reading, too. Continue reading “The Benefits of Reading”