Promoting Creativity Through a Good Night’s Sleep

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8).

In college, I studied all the time and went to bed by ten. I still remember one night when I stayed up to keep a friend company during the last hours of her shift working the front desk of our dorm. A couple of us joined her from ten to midnight. My friends were shocked, first of all, that I joined them, and second, that I stayed awake the entire time!

Like many of you, I’ve struggled at times with getting enough sleep. Insomnia has plagued me, while other times worry and anxiety kept me from falling asleep. Still other times, I stayed up late on purpose and then regretted it the next day.

Years ago, a neurologist told me how important a regular sleep schedule is to ward off migraines. On his advice, I tracked my sleep schedule, and I noticed a pattern: when I stayed up too late or slept too long, I had a migraine the next day. Unfortunately, I had many other migraine triggers as well, many of which were out of my control, but I could control my sleep schedule. Continue reading “Promoting Creativity Through a Good Night’s Sleep”