The Joys of Reading

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Ps 32:8)

As a child, I would read until I heard my mom’s raised voice, asking me to dry dishes for her. I knew I was in trouble at that point – it meant she’d called for me at least two or three times. I wasn’t ignoring her; I just didn’t hear her because I’d been transported to another world.

My mom’s voice brought me crashing back to the real world pretty quickly. I would hurry through the task so that I could get back to my book. I took books to family holiday gatherings, and I always had enough books to fill an entire suitcase when I went on vacation. (This was before the Kindle.) I even had to pay extra for my luggage one time because I bought so many books while on vacation. Continue reading “The Joys of Reading”

The Benefits of Reading



“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn…” (Rom 12:15)

The cold months of winter were made for curling up with a cup of tea and a good book and of course, Lilly. When I read, Lilly likes to curl up in my lap (on top of a blanket, of course), or right next to my feet on the end of the recliner. She is always curious about what I’m reading – she will give the book a good sniff or two and then lick it a couple of times before giving her approval and settling in next to me. When my mom reads the newspaper, she jumps right in the middle of my mom’s lap and steps on the paper before turning around as if she’s reading, too. Continue reading “The Benefits of Reading”