Confessions of a Planner

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Prov 16:9).

I’m a planner at heart, and I’m in my element when I’m organizing something, whether it’s my office space or an event. I like to plan things well in advance – the farther out, the better. Even one of my dates once pegged me for a planner, probably because I refused to drop everything to meet up for coffee at a moment’s notice. Sorry, but I only do that for good friends (and potential clients).

Even though I live like I think spontaneity is from the devil, I can—and have—adapted when necessary. In a previous blog post, I wrote about the way I sometimes meet up with friends at moment’s notice to combat loneliness. This works both ways. If a friend needs me, then I try to be there for her as well. While being spontaneous is difficult for me, it’s not impossible, and I find I benefit a great deal from releasing my hold on my schedule. Continue reading “Confessions of a Planner”

A Dog’s Confidence

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Tim 1:7)

Lilly, my Yorkie, pranced across the living room floor, turning her head this way and that to show off the pretty bow the groomer had put next to her ear. She had a happy doggy smile on her face as she turned in circles in front of my parents. They oohed and aahed over her, and she rolled over so they could rub her belly. Then, she jumped on the couch and looked at us as if to say, “I know I look good. Thanks for noticing.” Continue reading “A Dog’s Confidence”

Thankful to Be Me

Author’s Note: This month, my blog posts will all focus on thankfulness.

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:6)

As Thanksgiving draws near, I begin to think more about all the things for which I’m thankful. In an effort to focus more on my blessings, I’m participating in the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (OWFI) gratefulness photo challenge this month. Each day, I’ll post a different picture of something for which I’m thankful.

The first photo prompt was to share a photo of someone I see every day, which was a challenge for me since I live and work alone. I can go for several days without seeing another person unless I make an effort to do so. For the photo challenge, I shared a picture of my dog, Lilly. She’s a loyal companion, and I’m more thankful for her than I can really express. After I posted the photo, I felt God speaking to my heart, encouraging me to think more deeply about the meaning the prompt had for me. After all, I realized, I do see someone every day. Continue reading “Thankful to Be Me”