The Valentine’s Day Dinner

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

Years ago, I attended a small Baptist church in my hometown. When I say “small,” I mean that we had about fifteen to twenty regular attendees. I was by far the youngest attendee—by about twenty years.

One year, the women of the church decided to hold a Valentine’s Day dinner. They fixed lasagna, salad, and breadsticks—yum.

But I wasn’t going to go. I thought it wasn’t for me because I was recently divorced, and honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was celebrate love.

Eventually, I changed my mind. I don’t remember who convinced me. Maybe it was my mom, or maybe it was my aunt, who played the piano at church and helped organize the dinner. Both of them knew I didn’t need to be sitting around by myself, moping the night away. Continue reading “The Valentine’s Day Dinner”

For the Love

For the Love

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)

Every February, I write about love. It’s only fitting to cover this subject during the month of love, right? For many years—going as far back as high school—I didn’t like Valentine’s Day. But as the years have passed, I’ve tried to drop my negative outlook look and find positive things about the holiday—namely, that there are many different kinds of love, all of which can and should be celebrated. Chief among them is the agape, unconditional love offered to us by God. And when we look to the source of love, our perspective can change. Continue reading “For the Love”