“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
During the hottest part of the summer, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. to walk my dog, Lilly. Even though we left early, the temperature was already in the low 80s. Oklahoma summers can be brutal. One of the parks that we go to has a really pretty fountain on one end. On this particular day, we walked over to the fountain. It’s located in slight depression, so Lilly and I walked down the steps and circled the fountain a couple of times. She jumped up on the edge of the fountain, peered into the water, and promptly jumped in, startling me. She resurfaced and started paddling for the edge, but she couldn’t reach it to get out on her own. I lifted her out of the water, and she took off running to dry off, dragging me behind her as I held onto her leash with all my strength.
In much the same way that Lilly leaped without fear into the pool at the bottom of the fountain, Jesus calls us to take leaps of faith every day. Some tasks require small, baby steps while others require giant leaps. For me, moving to the big city and changing careers – at the same time – required faith that I didn’t have when I was not as mature in my spiritual walk.
We can easily allow fear to hold us back. Sometimes fear keeps us in the same place too long, while other times it actually moves us in the wrong direction. For many years, I allowed fear to rule my life and my decisions, putting off pursuing my calling of writing. And I wouldn’t even talk about moving to the big city – the thought of such a big change was completely overwhelming and beyond my capability to even consider.
But God pursued me and continued to whisper to my heart. Over time, I began to listen to him instead of the fear. Even so, I still let fear creep into my heart when I’m faced with adversity or a new situation that I’ve never been in before. When that happens, I have difficulty making the right decision – or even any decision at all. When I fear, the enemy has me right where he wants me – focused on my situation instead of on God. When I focus, I can hear God’s still, small voice drowning out the clamoring cry of fear. No matter what I face, I know he will not leave me. He will continue to work in my heart until all I can hear is his voice.
Dear Jesus, thank you for pursuing me and speaking to me even when my focus is on my fear and the situation in which I find myself. Help me to hear your voice over all others. Amen.
Love this anf thank you!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you. I really enjoyed this