Create: My Word for 2021

“He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers” (Ex 35:35).

I haven’t made New Year’s resolutions in a long time. Instead, I choose a word for the year. I use this word to focus on an area of my life where I believe the Lord wants to make changes or have me grow. I’ve chosen words such as “trust,” “focus,” “compassion,” and “bold.” Last year, my word was “renew.” As 2020 began, I felt burned out. I had no idea how much I would need renewal as the year (and the pandemic) wore on.

This year, God revealed my word to me more slowly than usual. I often have my word for the year in November, or the first week of January at the latest. We were halfway through January before I felt comfortable with the word that kept coming to mind: “create.”

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary offers several definitions for “create.” The ones I believe fit my journey the best are as follows:

  • to bring into existence;
  • to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior; and
  • to produce through imaginative skill.

When I first considered the word “create,” I thought about my writing. Of course, writing is a creative activity, so that made sense. I have several writing goals for 2021, including publishing two books. Create also applies to my business since the nature of my work, writing and editing, is creative work.

I challenged myself to come up with other ways the word “create” could manifest itself in my life. I realized I could also create memories, space, and better health.


I have a friend who would rather create memories than anything else. Whether it’s going out to eat, walking through the park, or attending a special event, memories are made when we spend time together. Right now, going out is challenging, but that won’t always be the case. When it’s safe to do so, I intend to get out and make many more memories with my friends and family.


Creating space can refer to physical, mental, or emotional space. Reducing clutter in my house (where I work full time) helps me be more productive. I also tend to accumulate mental clutter, especially anxious thoughts, so I take steps each day to give my worries to the Lord. For me, this means studying the Bible, reading God’s Word, and journaling my thoughts, fears, and praise. Emotional space means I’m no longer clinging to relationships that are not good for me.

Better health

We can’t do anything about our genetics, but we can make choices each day to improve our overall health. For me, this means moving around and making better choices about the food I eat. I’ve been on this journey for several years, but I know there are still areas where I can improve.

One of my favorite things about having a word for the year is seeing how the Lord uses it. When I use it as a lens to view my circumstances, my attitude improves. When I use it to focus my efforts on a project, I learn and grow. When I use it to make decisions, I know I’m making the best choices. Each year, I’m stretched in ways I couldn’t have imagined, but I’m always better for it.

Do you have a word for the year? If so, what is it?

Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me choose another word for the year. Please help me to view my circumstances through the lens of “create,” and show me what you want me to learn. Amen.