“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josh 1:9)
It’s been many years since I set New Year’s resolutions. Because I got off track by the end of January, setting resolutions made me feel like a failure. I wanted to change and grow, but I didn’t know how.
Then, I heard about the one-word challenge, and I realized that, at least for me, it was the way to make the changes I wanted to see in my life. The word I choose is a reflection of much prayer and research. It’s a word I believe God wants to use in my life so that I will learn and grow. Over the years, I’ve chosen words such as “trust,” “compassion,” and “enough.” Last year’s word was “bold.” Throughout the year, I kept a journal of instances where I could see God moving boldly in my life – and where I saw him pushing me to make bold choices. God used this word to push me out of my comfort zone and to make the hard choice when the easy choice would have been, well, easier. Throughout it all, he used the word to make me depend more on him and less on others.
This year, I had trouble settling on a word. None of my choices felt quite right, and I eventually came full circle to the word BOLD. I have seen so much growth in myself through the lens of this word, and I feel God wants to continue to move me out of my comfort zone. I feel he’s telling me not to settle, not to be complacent with the comfortable rut that my life can easily become. I don’t like taking risks – I want to know the outcome first. But I believe God is calling me to take the risk. To live more fully. To love more completely.
I don’t know where this word will lead me in the coming year, but I know with God’s leading, I will see things and do things I never imagined possible. Being bold doesn’t mean I won’t be scared or anxious – it just means I’ll keep moving forward anyway and not let fear stop me. I’ll probably fall on my face a few times, but with God’s help, I’ll get back up and keep growing into a more courageous, brave, bold me.
Dear Jesus, thank you for the way you showed up through the word “bold” last year so that I could see you at work in all areas of my life. I pray you’ll continue to move in my life in a bold way. Help me to continue to move forward and leave my comfort zone behind. Amen.
You have grown so much since I’ve known you. You are on the road to letting your boldness shine. Prayers for you this year. I’m so proud of you.
That means so much to me, Judy! Thank you!