
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. (1 John 2:2)

The summer holiday really begins in earnest Memorial Day weekend. Many people spend the weekend cooking and eating hot dogs and hamburgers, hanging out at the lake, and enjoying the three-day weekend before heading back to work on Tuesday. Still others decide to use this weekend as a springboard to start their summer vacations. Continue reading “Sacrifice”

Jumping on the Air Fryer Bandwagon

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

A couple of weeks ago, I bought an air fryer. I know what you’re thinking—what took you so long? Right? Air fryers have been around for a while now, and their popularity has only increased, not waned.

I’m slow to jump on any bandwagon. For example, when I was ten, the New Kids on the Block burst onto the scene, but I couldn’t be convinced they would stick around. I’m not sure where this skepticism came from, but I do know that I was one of the only pre-teen girls of my generation who didn’t have a poster of the boy band on my bedroom wall. I did eventually listen to their music—and I even liked it!—but I never bought into all the hype.

When it came to buying an air fryer, my arguments against one were practical in nature. I have a tiny kitchen with little counter space and few plugins. Where would I put it? Where would I store it? I don’t fry much—maybe once or twice a year. What would I cook with it that I couldn’t fix in my oven? Continue reading “Jumping on the Air Fryer Bandwagon”