2019 Winter Is Coming Giveaway Blog Hop

Congratulations to Sarah M. from Wisconsin, the winner of the $10 Amazon gift card!

Christmas is my favorite holiday by far. Like many of you, I have cherished memories of family gatherings. I’ve spent many hours throughout the years creating handmade gifts for others and baking sweet treats with my mom. As adults, we can feel overwhelmed and stressed by the season for many reasons: financial difficulties, too many activities, family members who don’t get along…the list goes on and on. Joy seems elusive, but we can experience the joy of the season when we remember why we celebrate this season: Jesus.

This Christmas season, I’m joining The Kids Did It blog and The Mommy Island blog to participate in the Third Annual Winter Is Coming Giveaway Event, which runs from December 3, 2019, to December 21, 2019. The winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.

Enter through the Gleam form below for your chance to win!

One entrant will be selected to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Open for entry in the Continental US/Canada Only, 18 years and older from 12/03/19 thru 12/21/2019 at 11:59pm EST. Winner will have 24 hours to respond to notification email to claim their prize or a new winner will be selected. See Gleam form for official rules. Event hosts and participating bloggers are not responsible for fulfilling prize obligations from sponsors or self-sponsoring bloggers.

Echoes of Joy Devotional Series


In the Echoes of Joy Devotional Series, author Staci Mauney chronicles her adventures with Lilly, her Yorkie companion, and family, friends, and other pets. Staci connects everyday life to spiritual truths and lessons about overcoming fear, embracing change, and encouraging yourself and others. Each devotional contains a Bible verse and prayer.

Staci introduces Lilly to the world in Echoes of Joy: 30 Days of Experiencing God’s Grace and takes the reader on their adventures as they build community and find joy in the simple things.

From struggling through the holidays after divorce to finding hope in unlikely places, Echoes of Joy: A Daily Devotional for Christmas features stories from Staci’s life that explore the lessons of Christmas that are relevant all year long.

Sharing the antics of her pets in Echoes of Joy: A Devotional for Animal Lovers, Staci reveals spiritual truths she’s learned from the animals with which God has entrusted us.

Let the messages in this series move you into God’s presence.

Excerpt from Echoes of Joy: A Daily Devotional for Christmas

Day 1

Christmas Memories

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Ps 100:4-5)

As a child, my family would either drive across town to spend time with my mother’s parents on Christmas or drive several miles out into the country to eat with one of my dad’s siblings. No matter which side of the family we went to see, my brother and I always had lots of cousins to play with, and my parents had lots of adults with which to play games and visit.

As we got older, my brother and I played games with the adults. My brother would start a round of his favorite game, Clue, with anyone he could convince to play. I preferred card games such as Skip-Bo to board games. My grandma was often our competition in these games. She loved all games and us, too, so she never turned down an opportunity to learn whatever game we wanted to play.

My dad and uncle weren’t interested in board games, so they played pool instead. My uncle had a pool table at his house – upstairs – and my brother and I always tried to talk the men into letting us play. However, they made us wait our turn, which meant we got bored and left them alone to play for the rest of the day.

I’m thankful for the memories of Christmases spent with family, several of whom have passed away. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful family and good friends. Though we’re scattered far and wide now, we have memories (and social media) to keep us close. I’m thankful for those such as my grandma and my parents who have shown me who Jesus is as they live out his example each day. And I’m thankful for Jesus, the one who makes all of this possible. I’m thankful that he sacrificed his life for mine so that I could live forever in him. He is the ultimate blessing and the reason for this season.

Dear Jesus, thank you for wonderful family memories of Christmases past. Help us to remember the importance of family and to stay in touch, even though we may be miles apart. Amen.

Buy the Book!

Thanks for stopping by and reading a little of my Christmas devotional! Remember to visit the other blogs listed below that are participating in this hop and enter to win more wonderful prizes! Good luck!


Welcome to the Winter Is Coming Giveaway Hop! 
Hosted by The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island
Click each link to visit a new blog with a new giveaway! 
Don't forget to come back daily for bonus entries. 
Follow all of our December events on social media using #BestGifts #HoHoHo
1. (Host) The Mommy Island - $160 Grand Prize - US  43. Raising Three Savvy Ladies - US  
2. (Host) The Kids Did It - $160 Grand Prize Package - US  44. Angie's Angle - US  
3. (VIP) Still Blonde after all these YEARS - $340 Luxury Bedding - US  45. Life Within The Pages - WW  
4. (VIP) Broken Teepee - $75 Book Package - US  46. Staci Mauney's Echoes of Joy - US/CAN  
5. (VIP) Coupons and Freebies Mom - $10 Amazon Gift Card - US  47. A Petite Mama - US  
6. (VIP) Beauty Info Zone - $90 Beauty Bonanza - US/CAN  48. The Candid Cover - WW  
7. (VIP) It's Free At Last - Kernel Seasons Holiday Prize Pack - US  49. Eclectic Evelyn - US  
8. (VIP) Comeback Momma - $25 Visa Gift Card - US  50. nicolie-olie's Meanderings - US  
9. (VIP) A Leisure Moment - $10 Amazon Gift Card - WW  51. Love Is A Lifestyle - WW  
10. (VIP) Zombie Parenting - Winter Package - $160  52. Confessions of a Frugal Mind - WW  
11. (VIP) Still Blonde after all these YEARS! - $25 PayPal - US  53. Sugar, Spice and Family Life - US  
12. Reading Reality - WW  54. MamatheFox - US  
13. Simply Sherryl - WW  55. Sapphyria's Books - US  
14. Miss Molly Says - US  56. Finding Sanity in Our Crazy Life - US  
15. Lindsey Blogs at SEBG - US  57. Java John Z's - US  
16. The Homespun Chics - US  58. Dashing Bling Read - US  
17. Mom To Grandma - US  59. Versatileer - US  
18. Says Me Says Mom - US  60. KaSonndra Leigh Designs - WW  
19. My Life. One Story at a Time. - US  61. It's Just Kris - US  
20. Pausitive Living - US/CAN  62. Jennifer Lane Books - WW  
21. Homeschool On The Range - WW  63. This N That with Olivia - US  
22. Silver Dagger Book Tours - WW  64. How Was Your Day? - US  
23. Sharing Life's Moments - US  65. Batch of Books - US  
24. Savings in Seconds - US  66. Style on Main - WW  
25. Luv Saving Money - US  67. Dish Dish - US  
26. Here We Go Again Ready - US  68. Tricia Schneider - WW  
27. Celebrate Woman Today - US  69. Zephyr Hill - US  
28. Mommy's Playbook - US  70. Mom The Magnificent - US  
29. FROG Reviews and Ramblings - US  71. Andersons Angels - US/CAN  
30. icefairy's Treasure Chest - US  72. Roadside Travels - US/CAN  
31. Nanny to Mommy - US/CAN  73. Freebies Deals & Steals - WW  
32. Christy's Cozy Corners - US/CAN  74. Simplify Maine - US  
33. JeanBookNerd - WW  75. My Crafty Zoo - US/CAN  
34. Woman of Many Roles - US  76. Create. Play. Travel. - US  
35. Naturalhairlatina - WW  77. Daisy Day Designs - WW  
36. Tammie's Reviews, Giveaways and More - US  78. Candid Mama - US  
37. FreeSOCIAl2011 - US  79. Parenting In Progress - US  
38. When Is Dinner - US/CAN  80. BookHounds - WW  
39. Readeropolis - US  81. BookHounds YA - WW  
40. Mom Does Reviews - US/CAN  82. Get Your Holiday On - WW  
41. The Review Wire - US  83. Heck Of A Bunch - US  
42. The Frugal Grandmom - US/CAN  84. Babushka's Baile - US  

(Linkup closed)

50 thoughts on “2019 Winter Is Coming Giveaway Blog Hop

  1. My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing the beautiful Christmas lights in our neighborhood!

  2. It’s all about being with family. We love to gather together and eat, play games and fellowship.

  3. My favorite part about Christmas is seeing the reaction of my family and friends when they open my gifts.

  4. The best thing about Christmas is getting that extra quality time with my family. I usually would say spending time with my family I don’t get to see but nobody gets to come this year and I can’t afford to go visit any of them. So this will be the first year that it is just the little family I helped create!

  5. My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing the family together and smiling. It fills my heart.

  6. My favorite thing about Christmas is Christmas Eve when it is quiet with all of the candles light and setting out all of the presents with all of the decorations and lights up.

  7. My fave thing about christmas is time off from work which gives me more time to see friends and family.

  8. Getting together with a bunch of friends on Christmas evening for a potluck dinner and a white elephant exchange. Lots of good food and laughs.

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